
ECLDS icon Minnesota ECLDS



Welcome to Minnesota's Early Childhood Longitudinal Data System!

We are proud to offer this ever-evolving tool to help our state answer questions about young children and their development and learning. We are excited to continue to grow our system and provide more robust information for all interested users around the state.

Thanks for visiting! If you have any questions please contact dataanalytics.els.dcyf@state.mn.us.

What's New

Our Regional Coaching Network Connects You with Data

The ECLDS+SLEDS Regional Coaching Network is your nearby, personal resource for better understanding the data available to you in ECLDS. The network has coaches in all corners of the state, ready to work closely with you to address the technical issues that may arise when accessing, using, and applying data. If you are new to ECLDS or would like assistance with data analysis, contact a regional data coach close to you.

Regional coaching network  

Share Your ECLDS Stories

How has ECLDS helped you in your work? We're collecting anecdotes, studies, press releases, photos—whatever you have to share with us to help us better understand how ECLDS is being used and how it could grow to better meet your needs. Share your stories by emailing us at eclds.support@state.mn.us.

share your stories  

Share Your Voice and Your Story

MN StoryCollective is a way for you to share your experiences, helping support the state's many communities. From safe roadways to thriving educational systems, we care about the wellbeing of all who live here. MN StoryCollective connects the voices of residents with those making decisions. The purpose of sharing your experience is to provide information that may be used to constructively improve the future of our state. Share your story today.

MN Story Collective: Your story, minnesota's commitment  

2022-23 School Year Data Now Available

The ECLDS now contains data for the 2022-2023 school year for a total of ten years of data. Use the breadth of data to observe trends in your county, school district, or economic development region of choice.

new school year of data now available  

Minnesota Has a New Child Tax Credit

Minnesota's new Child Tax Credit delivers tax relief to individuals with children. The maximum credit is $1,750 per child under age 18, with no limit on the number of children claimed. The credit can reduce the tax you owe and provide you with a refund. The credit gradually phases out if your income is over $31,090 ($36,880 for Married Filing Jointly). Learn more by visiting the Minnesota Department of Revenue website.

Minnesota Child tax credit  

Brought to you by Minnesota

This project has been funded by the Minnesota Department of Education using federal funding, CFDA 84.412A-Federal Race to the Top Early Learning Challenge Grant and CFDA 84.372-Institute of Education Sciences: Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems. It is also funded by the Minnesota Office of Higher Education.

© 2024, The State of Minnesota.
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